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Den aktuellen Campus-Lageplan der Universität Paderborn hier als PDF herunterladen.

Motorists: A 33 motorway (via A 2 and A 44).
Arrival by train or public transport (PaderSprinter): The main railway station is a stop for IC trains connecting Paderborn with the supra-regional long-distance hubs of Kassel and Hamm. There are also various regional and local trains. From the main station you can reach the university within a few minutes with the following bus lines: Line 4 in the direction of Dahl, Line 9 in the direction of Kaukenberg, Line 68 in the direction of "Schöne Aussicht", UNI Line in the direction of Uni/Südring (only during the lecture period). There is no need to change buses, the lines go directly to the "Uni/Südring" or "Uni/Schöne Aussich" stop. Line 11 goes to Fürstenallee. Information on timetables can be found on the Padersprinter website.
Long-distance or air travellers: Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport is only 20 kilometres away. Paderborn's main railway station can be reached from there by express bus line S60 and line 460 of BBH BahnBus Hochstift. Information on timetables and flights can be found on the website of Padeborn-Lippstadt Airport.
Space management
For rooms, the letters describe the building or part of the building (e.g. ME0.203 = Mensa building). All buildings (parts of buildings) on the Paderborn University campus are assigned letters, which are located on the respective external facade and above the lifts.
In the case of multi-digit numbers after the letter, the first number indicates the floor and the numbers after the dot indicate the room number (e.g. W1.101 = building W, 1st floor, room 101).
A number after the letter indicates a lecture hall (e.g. A1 = Lecture Hall A1), whereby these lecture halls are usually located on the ground floor. In addition, there are also "free-standing" lecture halls that do not have an additional number (e.g. G or the Audimax (AM)).
Exception: In the P complex, the first number indicates the part of the building (e.g. P1 = building P1), the floors and room numbers follow (e.g. P4.3.02 = building P4, 3rd floor, room 02).