The Career Service of the University of Paderborn offers practical projects for students in cooperation with regional employers in the coming winter semester of 2021/22.
In the sixth episode of the "All Day Research" Podcast we welcome Dr. Ulf-Peter Schroeder. With our host Lukas Ostermann, he talks about Collaborative Research Centers - or "SFBs" for short.
As the managing director of SFB 901: "On-The-Fly Computing - Individualized IT Services in Dynamic Markets", Dr. Ulf-Peter Schroeder is primarily responsible for keeping a general overview of the projects. In cooperation with economics and under the…
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Thorsten Hennig) Stefan Schwan (l.), Leiter des International Office der Universität Paderborn, und Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (r.), Vizepräsident für Internationale Beziehungen, haben den beiden Stipendiaten Obada Obaid (2. v.l.) und Michil Nono (2. v.r.) ihre Glückwünsche persönlich überreicht.
Since 2020, the University of Paderborn has been offering financial and non-material support to refugee students with the "NRWege" scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The first eleven scholarship holders have now successfully completed the program - more than at any other German university. Two of them were now able to receive their scholarship certificates in person at a ceremonial handover.
"We started with the first…
Due to the corona pandemic, the 15th Paderborn IT Security Day, originally scheduled for March 2020, had to be postponed. The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn has now decided to hold it in November 2021. "We are pleased that we can still hold the event this year after the longer pause due to the pandemic," says Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Vice President for Research and Young Scientists and Head of the Codes and Cryptography Group at…
Due to the corona pandemic, the 15th Paderborn IT Security Day, originally scheduled for March 2020, had to be postponed. The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn has now decided to hold it in November 2021. "We are pleased that we can still hold the event this year after the longer pause due to the pandemic," says Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Vice President for Research and Young Scientists and Head of the Codes and Cryptography Group at…
Software development and consulting company achelos and IT company QualityMinds
With the software development and consulting company achelos and the IT company QualityMinds, two more companies have joined the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn and will now benefit from the research and innovation partnership with the University of Paderborn, just like the other member companies of the SICP.
"We are pleased that we could win another…
Anniversary celebration focuses on highlights from research and development
40 years of "Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology", 40 years of LEA: The joy on the occasion of the anniversary was great. Numerous former employees and guests from science and industry came to the University of Paderborn for the ceremony last Friday, October 1, to congratulate the team around Prof. Dr. Joachim Böcker, head of the LEA, and to look back on…
In the fifth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, this time we welcome Jun.-Prof. Dr. Henning Wachsmuth. With our host Lukas Ostermann, he talks about social biases - also called social bias - in AI systems.
How do computers understand human reasoning and how might the advantages each of us has be analysed in language? These were the questions Jun.-Prof. Henning Wachsmuth dealt with at the beginning of his research career. In the meantime,…
We offer female students one-to-one mentoring for 6 months with an academic staff member as a mentor to discuss individual questions and gain a direct insight into everyday university life. The mentees will join a network of talented female students and expand important skills in workshops. Special offers include a travel pool for conferences and a writing retreat. Current information is also available at…
On Friday, 01/10/2021, the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Engineering (LEA) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Starting with introductory words by Professor Böcker and congratulatory words by the Vice President Ms. Simone Probst, an overview of the development of the department, which today has 30 employees, will be given by Norbert Fröhleke. A…
In Fall/Winter 2021/22, the Paderborn Math Circle will meet online/virtually with BigBlueButton on Saturdays October 23, 2021, November 2021, and January 22, 2022, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Interested students who are familiar with middle school math and who enjoy logical thinking are most welcome to participate. The exciting topics for the Fall/Winter 2021/22 Math Circle meetings are "Magic Squares," "Pentominos and Similar Puzzles," and "Curves…
New Work = New Benefits?
Your "new working world" of tomorrow.
You are studying computer science, computer engineering, business informatics, economics or related courses of study and are interested in finding out about your future job and your future working environment in a relaxed atmosphere and personal exchange? Are you looking for a thesis, a job in a corporate or university environment, as a working student, trainee or young…
In der bereits vierten Folge des „All Day Research“ Podcasts begrüßen wir diesmal Dr. Felix Winkelnkemper. Mit unserem Moderator Lukas Ostermann spricht er über soziotechnische Systeme in der Informatik.
„Was ist eigentlich Informatik?“ – diese Frage begleitet Dr. Felix Winkelnkemper schon seit seinem eigenen Studium an der Universität Paderborn und hat ihn dazu inspiriert, sich mehr mit den verschiedenen Wissenschaftsfeldern der Informatik zu…
Anja Karliczek: "Crucial to safeguarding the quality of German university research and establishing Germany as a future-proof location for research and innovation".
Tailwind for National High-Performance Computing (NHR): Eight computing centers funded by the federal and state governments have joined forces to form a high-performance association by founding the "-Committeee für Nationals High Performance - NHR-Club Associates.". In this way, the…
In den Herbstferien bietet die Universität Paderborn Studieninteressierten vom 11. bis 15. Oktober eine Woche lang ein MINT-Schnupperstudium mit spannenden Vorlesungen und eindrucksvollen Workshops aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Maschinenbau, Chemieingenieurwesen, Chemie, Physik und Elektrotechnik an. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Eine Anmeldung ist bis zum 26. September möglich.
Im Rahmen des…