In the 26th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome the first chairwoman of the student council for mathematics and computer science, Christina Rohde. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann she talks about studying, working and living at the campus of the University of Paderborn.
Foto (Fachgebiet Technikdidaktik): Zufriedene Gesichter bei den Schüler*innen, den Lehrerinnen und den betreuenden Studierenden (zweite von rechts: Anna Japs, vorne: Kerstin Moeschke)
At the end of the semester, a group of students from the Richard-von-Weizsäcker-Berufskolleg in Paderborn, together with their teachers Kerstin Moeschke and Anna Japs, visited the inventors' workshop of the Department of Technology Didactics at Paderborn University.
Foto (Fachgebiet Technikdidaktik): Zufriedene Gesichter nach der Workshoperprobung bei den Masterstudierenden des Lehramts am Berufskolleg der beruflichen Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbautechnik und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Temmen (links)
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University in the Netherlands has once again commended the publication achievements of researchers at Paderborn University this year. This international university ranking, which has been conducted every year since 2007, uses publications to compare universities and specific subject areas.
The latest edition of the ranking looked at the 1,411 most frequently publishing universities…
The mathematics didactic competence of nursery school teachers is central so that children can develop good basic mathematical skills even before they start school. The ability to recognise mathematics in everyday situations in the day care centre, for example when setting the table or doing puzzles, seems to be particularly important.
The Faculty remembers Professor Franz-Josef Kevekordes
On June 16, 2023, Professor Franz-Josef Kevekordes, one of the founding members of today's Computer Science at the Paderborn University, passed away.
In the 25th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Zahra Raissi. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, she talks about her research in quantum computing.
Dr. Raissi has only been at Paderborn University since February this year and is one of currently three junior group leaders. What she particularly likes about her current position is how independently she can continue to work on her own research and coordinate students and…
On June 16, this year's graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics of the Paderborn University took place in the Audimax. This year the faculty was happy to be able to say goodbye to its graduates in presence again.
Natural and artificial crystals can change the spectral colour of light – known as the nonlinear optical effect. Colour conversion is used for numerous applications, including nonlinear microscopy for biological structures and material examinations, LED light sources and lasers, in optical communications, and in photonics and its resulting technologies such as quantum computing. Researchers from Paderborn University have now found a way to…
Making history with 42 digits: Scientists at Paderborn University and KU Leuven have unlocked a decades-old mystery of mathematics with the so-called ninth Dedekind number. Experts worldwide have been searching for the value since 1991. The Paderborn scientists arrived at the exact sequence of numbers with the help of the Noctua supercomputer located there. The results will be presented in September at the International Workshop on Boolean…
Am Dienstag, den 4. Juli, finden von 16:00 – 19:00 Uhr im HNF coole Workshops zu Thema Nachhaltigkeit statt. Experimentiert mit Aerodynamik in einem Miniwindkanal, recycelt euch aus Getränkeflaschendeckeln einen Schlüsselanhänger oder druckt euch Ersatzteile mit dem 3D-Drucker. Ganz nebenbei erfahrt ihr, wie zu diesen Themen an der Universität Paderborn geforscht wird. Infos zu den Workshops:…
(Foto: UPB/Nadija Carter): Fakultätsgeschäftsführer Markus Holt, Professorin Yasemin Acar, Professor Fabian Januszewski, ständiger Vertreter des Dekans und Studiendekan Kai-Uwe Schmidt (v. l. n. r.)
Am Montag, den 12. Juni 2023 haben Prof. Dr. Fabian Januszewski (Algebra und Zahlentheorie) und Prof. Dr. Yasemin Acar (Empirische Softwaretechnik) im Hörsaal O1 ihre Antrittsvorlesungen gehalten.
(Foto Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Für ihre Innovativen Lehrkonzepte, besonderes Engagement in der Betreuung von Studierenden und herausragende Promotionsvorhaben zeichnete das Präsidium 16 Wissenschaftler*innen mit Preisen und Stipendien aus. 13 von ihnen nahmen ihre Urkunden und Glückwünsche persönlich entgegen.
Informatik, Maschinenbau oder doch lieber Lehramt? Was sind Voraussetzungen für ein Studium und welche finanziellen Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten habe ich? Wer ein Studium beginnen möchte, hat oft unzählige Fragen im Kopf. Diese beantwortet die Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB) der Universität Paderborn beim NRW-weiten „Langen Abend der Studienberatung“ am Donnerstag, 15. Juni. Von 15 bis 19 Uhr können sich Interessierte über Studienmöglichkeiten,…