EIM News

(Foto: Maximilian Putz): Die Teilnehmenden der Kick off-Veranstaltung freuen sich über den Projektstart.

On Wednesday, February 15, the well-attended kick-off event marked the official start of the "transMINT4.0" research and development project, which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 800,000 euros over a period of three years until 2025.

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In the 21st episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr.-Ing. Philipp Terhörst. Together with our host Marvin Beckmann, they talk about social bias in biometric face recognition.

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Der Mathezirkel der Universität Paderborn dient der mathematischen Nachwuchsförderung und trifft sich im Frühjahr/Sommer 2023 an den Samstagen 22. April 2023, 13. Mai 2023 und 17. Juni 2023, jeweils von 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr, online/virtuell mit der Videokonferenz-Software BigBlueButton. Interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler, die mit der Schulmathematik der Mittelstufe vertraut sind und die Spaß am logischen Denken haben, sind ganz herzlich zur…

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Ment­or­ing for fe­male fac­ulty stu­dents: per­spEct­Ive M

Have you ever thought about a career in science? The one-to-one mentoring program perspEktIve M offers the chance to learn more about scientific work in exchange with academic staff members. perspEktIve M is aimed at female students who are at least in the 4th semester of their bachelor's degree or already in their master's degree. The goal of the program is to inform female students about careers in science. Mentoring helps female students to…

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(Foto: Nadija Carter)

In the course of 2023, the Institute of Computer Science will hire a total of four junior research group leaders, which will expand the range of research opportunities at Paderborn University for students as well.

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In the twentieth episode of All Day Research, Dr Liang Wu is our guest. Together with Marvin Beckmann, he talks about the topic of self-employment in computer science. Among other things, they talk about Dr. Wu's work as a transfer scout at the EIM faculty and the Technology Transfer and Start-up Centre (TecUP) at the University of Paderborn.

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(Foto: TecUP) Die Gewinner*innen des dritten Workshops „Prototype your PhD”, in dem Doktorand*innen erfahren, wie aus einem Promotionsthema ein Start-up entstehen kann.

Von der Wis­senschaft in die Un­ternehmens­gründung

Workshop „Prototype your PhD“ der garage33 geht im Februar in die vierte Runde

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(Foto: garage33) KIKOFF

Top Tal­ent Pro­gramme for stu­dents from OWL

In the summer semester 2023, garage33 offers a workshop & event programme

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(Foto: Die Matiker) Andreas Kottmann

On 12.1.2023, a double lecture in the series "Career profiles in mathematics and computer science" of the graduate and support association Die Matiker e.V. took place at the University of Paderborn for the third time this semester. 

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In the nineteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Harald Selke. Together with our host Lukas Ostermann, he reviews the past year 2022, gives first insights into the upcoming year and answers questions and suggestions from the students.

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(Nadija Carter, Universität Paderborn) v.l.n.r. :Dekan Prof.- Dr. Peter Schreier, Prodekan Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler, Juniorprofessor Dr. Gleb Polevoy, Geschäftsführer Dr. Markus Holt.

In­aug­ur­al Lec­ture of Ju­ni­or Pro­fess­or Dr. Gleb Pole­voy

On Monday, December 19, 2022, Dean Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier welcomed the audience to the last inaugural lecture of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics this year. Junior professor Dr. Gleb Polevoy introduced himself to the plenum in lecture hall O1 with his lecture "Fair, individually rational and cheap adjustment". Already in 2020, Dr. Polevoy was appointed to the juniorprofessorship "Algorithmic Game Theory"…

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On Monday, December 05, 2022, Prof. Dr. Sina Ober-Blöbaum (Numerics and Control) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Meschede (Power Systems Engineering) held their inaugural lectures in lecture hall O1. Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics welcomed the audience at the beginning of the event and introduced both of them.

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In the eighteenth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Dr. Florian Klingler, who talks about the topic of communication between vehicles together with our host Marvin Beckmann.

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(Foto: Die Matiker) Carsten Birkelbach und Branko Čanak.

Am Montag, 28. November, fand ein Doppel-Vortrag der Reihe „Berufsbilder der Mathematik und Informatik“ des Ehemaligenvereins Die Matiker e.V.an der Universität Paderborn statt.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. It has given rise to smart assistants that take on tasks that would otherwise take humans a great deal of time and effort – in medicine, business and industry, for example. To do this, smart assistants require vast amounts of data. ‘Knowledge graphs’ are one of the preferred mechanisms for representing data here, because they can be understood by both humans and machines and…

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