Michil Nono has been living in Germany since 2016. Last winter semester, he started his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering here at the University of Paderborn. Thanks to the "NRWege" introductory scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), he has been able to take part in a number of workshops as well as receive financial support. In the interview, he talks about how he likes his studies so far, what he was able to take…
Quantum technologies are a focus of research worldwide, and an indispensable tool for exploring underlying phenomena used in imaging research for the scientific development of quantum communication systems
In the eighth episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, we welcome Institute Director Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler. With our host Lukas Ostermann, he reviews the past year 2021 and gives first insights into the coming year.
The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (AWK NRW) today announced that Dr Oliver Wallscheid, from the Department of Control and Automation Technology at Paderborn University, will be joining its Young Academy (Das Junge Kolleg) on 1 January 2022. The engineer conducts research in the field of machine learning, specialising in the data-driven modelling and control of technical systems.
Admission to the Young…
The 15th Paderborn IT Security Day took place on November 30, 2021 under the motto "Current topics and issues in IT security". A total of around 150 participants* met virtually to inform themselves about and exchange ideas on current challenges in the field of IT security, which is becoming increasingly important for business, science and society. Special fields of action in the field of IT security were presented in scientific-technical and…
(Foto/Grafik: Universität Paderborn, Johanna Pietsch) Symbolbild: Wie lässt sich der aktuelle Stand der Cybersicherheit durch menschenzentrierte Lösungen verbessern? Dieser Frage geht Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias-Cabarcos an der Universität Paderborn nach.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is pleased to be able to offer its graduates an alternative this year as a substitute for the planned ceremony in the summer. The farewell and honoring of the graduates will take place in an online format. In addition to the festive farewell by President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, Dean of Faculty Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier and Dean for Students Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt, we…
University of Paderborn is one of the participating locations
Last week, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) adopted a comprehensive ten-year program to strengthen mathematics education in Germany. With "QuaMath - Developing Teaching and Training Quality in Mathematics", it is responding to the problem that only just under half of all young people…
Paderborn University Research Prize winners present results
Creating the necessary conditions for a successful and sustainable energy transition is a key factor on the path to carbon neutrality. Back in 2019, Dr Oliver Wallscheid, an electrical engineer at Paderborn University, and computer scientist Professor Eyke Hüllermeier, who moved from Paderborn to Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich at the beginning of the year, therefore set…
In the seventh episode of the "All Day Research" podcast we welcome Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner from Media Studies. He talks with our host Lukas Ostermann about the topic of computer science and society.
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Moritz Ostermann) Paderborns Landrat Christoph Rüther durfte die mobile Wasserstofftankstelle der Westfalen Gruppe bei der Demonstration an der Universität Paderborn selbst ausprobieren und ein Elektroauto damit betanken.
The Career Service of the University of Paderborn offers practical projects for students in cooperation with regional employers in the coming winter semester of 2021/22.
In the sixth episode of the "All Day Research" Podcast we welcome Dr. Ulf-Peter Schroeder. With our host Lukas Ostermann, he talks about Collaborative Research Centers - or "SFBs" for short.
As the managing director of SFB 901: "On-The-Fly Computing - Individualized IT Services in Dynamic Markets", Dr. Ulf-Peter Schroeder is primarily responsible for keeping a general overview of the projects. In cooperation with economics and under the…
(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Thorsten Hennig) Stefan Schwan (l.), Leiter des International Office der Universität Paderborn, und Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (r.), Vizepräsident für Internationale Beziehungen, haben den beiden Stipendiaten Obada Obaid (2. v.l.) und Michil Nono (2. v.r.) ihre Glückwünsche persönlich überreicht.
Since 2020, the University of Paderborn has been offering financial and non-material support to refugee students with the "NRWege" scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The first eleven scholarship holders have now successfully completed the program - more than at any other German university. Two of them were now able to receive their scholarship certificates in person at a ceremonial handover.
"We started with the first…
Due to the corona pandemic, the 15th Paderborn IT Security Day, originally scheduled for March 2020, had to be postponed. The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn has now decided to hold it in November 2021. "We are pleased that we can still hold the event this year after the longer pause due to the pandemic," says Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer, Vice President for Research and Young Scientists and Head of the Codes and Cryptography Group at…