EIM News

In 1966, the United Nations declared March 21 the "International Day to Overcome Racial Discrimination." Today - 55 years later - stigmatization based on skin colour, origin or gender is still a reality for many affected people. Even artificial intelligence (AI), which is actually considered rational, is not immune to prejudice. This is what scientists at the University of Paderborn have found out. In a video, computer scientist Jun.-Prof. Dr.…

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Grafik: Helke Karen Hesse

In Spring/Summer 2021, the Paderborn Maths Circle will meet online/virtually with BigBlueButton on Saturdays April 24th, 2021, May 29th, 2021, and June 19th, 2021, from 10 am to 1 pm. Interested students who are familiar with intermediate school maths and who enjoy logical thinking are most welcome to participate. The exciting topics for the Spring/Summer 2021 Maths Circle meetings are "About the p-value to hypothesis testing - finally really…

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Foto: StartupStockPhotos auf Pixabay

In the upcoming summer semester 2021, Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler, head of the group “Theory of Distributed Systems”, will organize a lecture series in theoretical computer science.

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Photo (University of Paderborn)

The University of Paderborn and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics mourn the death of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Grotstollen, who passed away on February 28 at the age of 82. Grotstollen was head of the Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Engineering (LEA) department at the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from 1981 until his retirement in 2003. "Grotstollen worked diligently and…

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi)

The areas of application for service robots are diverse. There is a wide range of applications, especially in logistics, nursing, healthcare and assembly support. However, insufficient compatibility of components and an unclear market, result in disproportionately high costs for the development of required software and hardware. In the joint project "Service Robotics Network" (SeRoNet), scientists from the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at the…

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(Foto: Universität Paderborn): Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden von der Universität Paderborn.

Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden erhält Amazon Research Award Seit 2015 wird der Amazon Research Award (ARA) verliehen, um wissenschaftliche Projekte in Bereichen wie Robotik, maschinellem Lernen oder Sicherheit zu fördern. Seither wurden im Rahmen des Programms 300 Awards an 120 Universitäten in 20 Ländern übergeben. Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, Leiter der Fachgruppe Softwaretechnik am Heinz Nixdorf Institut der Universität Paderborn und Direktor am…

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In der ersten Osterferienwoche findet auch in diesem Jahr die „Frühlings-Uni – Das MINT-Schnupperstudium für Schülerinnen der Mittel- und Oberstufe“ digital statt. Vom 29. März bis 1. April bietet das Schnupperstudium Schülerinnen die Möglichkeit, ihre Fähigkeiten im MINT-Bereich (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) auszuprobieren, ihr Wissen zu vertiefen, Gleichgesinnte kennenzulernen und einen Eindruck vom Studienalltag zu…

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Got is­sues with PAUL? Help ist here!

The entire study program has been organized digitally, and not just since last year. Anyone registering for courses or exams at Paderborn University can't get past it: The platform „Paderborner Assistenzsystem für Universität und Lehre“ (Paderborn Assistance System for University and Teaching), in short: PAUL.

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Since three days the Instagram channel of the student council of mathematics and computer science of the Paderborn University is online. The decision to start this new communication channel was made by the new student council, which wants to deal more with the topic of public relations and thus takes a first step.

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(Graphics: Flyer of perspEktIve M)

Mentoring program perspEktIve M: female students can still apply up until 15.02.2021

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German doctoral students from all disciplines can apply to Fulbright Germany for a research fellowship up until April 1, 2021. Funding is available for four- to six-month research projects at a U.S. university. Projects will begin between Nov. 1, 2021, and April 31, 2022. The grant / bursary will fund living expenses of up to 1,600 euros/month, transatlantic travel, and health/accident insurance. The Fulbright J-1 visa is free of charge, and a…

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(Photo: Luca Jurczyk/Nadija Carter): The project "OASiS" aims to use an algorithm to identify the most important arguments in long texts and summarize them concisely in a neutral style.

Conceptually, an argument logically combines a claim with a set of reasons. In real-world text, however, arguments may be spread over several sentences, often intertwine multiple claims and reasons along with context information and rhetorical devices, and are inherently subjective. But is there a way to automatically summarize justifications in texts in an objective way in order to determine the core of the argument and to reproduce it…

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Uni­versität Pader­born in­formiert über Stud­i­en­ange­bot

Digitale Infotage für Schüler*innen

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Long Night of Writ­ing *di­git­al* (The of­fer is only avail­able in Ger­man)

On March 4, 2021 from 7 p.m. to March 5, 2021 at 7 a.m., the sixth Long Night of Writing will take place at the University of Paderborn, this time as a purely digital event. Registration is now open. Participants will be supported at their home workstations with individual writing advice, practical workshops, interesting lectures, guided yoga, communal breaks, and opportunities for exchange. Students and doctoral candidates of all subjects and…

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[Translate to English:] (Foto: Universität Paderborn) Prof. Dr. Roman Dumitrescu ist neues Mitglied von acatech

Prof. Dr.-eng. Roman Dumitrescu, Head of the Advanced Systems Engineering Group at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute of the University of Paderborn and Director at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Design, was accepted as a new member at the General Assembly of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). Today, more than ever, technology is seen as an integral part of society. For this reason, acatech has set itself the goal of…

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