EIM News

(Bild: look upb)

At the beginning of March, the female STEM mentoring program "look upb" will start again at the University of Paderborn. The program is aimed at high school girls who are interested in studying a STEM subject (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). The aim is to support the schoolgirls in their choice of study program and to inspire them to study STEM subjects. Interested female students can apply by February 26. For more…

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As of now, doctoral students can register for the offers of the Competence Centre Writing in the first half of the year. All offers provide support for scientific writing in the doctoral phase: Workshop on dealing with peer reviews Workshop for all scientists* in earlier stages of their career who need to revise texts after peer reviews, for example submissions to an edited volume or to a journal. Date: Monday, February 1, 2021, 11:30 a.m.-3:30…

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(Foto: Universität Paderborn) Wissenschaftler der Universität Paderborn untersuchen algorithmische Voreingenommenheit auf Basis von Sprachdaten.

Haben Künst­liche In­tel­li­gen­zen Vor­ur­teile?

Wissenschaftler der Universität Paderborn untersuchen algorithmische Voreingenommenheit

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[Translate to English:] (Grafik: Software Campus)

Soft­ware Cam­pus is look­ing for new par­ti­cipants

The Software Campus is again looking for new participants starting February 8. The program offers master students and doctoral candidates in computer science the opportunity to carry out their own project within two years. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the program with up to 100,000 euros. In addition to technical skills, the program aims to impart competencies in areas such as management, entrepreneurship and…

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(Bild: https://www.uni-due.de/proco/)

Call for par­ti­cip­a­tion in a re­search pro­ject for on­line study

Students of the University of Duisburg Essen are looking for subjects for their online study as part of their research project at the Chair of Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media. The study focuses on the behaviour of researchers and how they can be supported by a conversational agent. Participation will take about 30 minutes

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Sometimes it takes a little patience before the harvest of work can be reaped: The publication "ReconOS: Multithreaded Programming for Reconfigurable Computers", which Prof. Dr. Marco Platzner, head of the research group "Computer Engineering", and Dr. Enno Lübbers, alumnus of the institute, published in 2009 at the "IEEE Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems", was inducted into the "Hall of Fame" by the TCFPGA of the ACM SIGDA and honored…

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New ser­vices offered by the Ca­reer Ser­vice

In the winter semester 2020/21, the Career Service will again offer interesting events for students regarding professional goal settings, career planning and career entry.

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Up to 75 million euros from the federal and state governments for high performance computing at Paderborn University

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Immediately, up to 31 January, all studying the 3. -8- Semester in the Bachelor course of computer science has the possibility in the CHE inquiry to participate. "The Department expressly encourages participation and would be pleased about a high rate of responses”, so Professor Dr. Holger Karl, director of the department for computer science.

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The Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics is pleased to be able to offer their graduates an alternative for this years’ planned celebration in summer. The farewell and honor ceremony will take place in an online format. In addition to the festive farewell by President Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, Dean Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier and Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Wolfram Meyerhöfer, we will introduce the 2019 award winners.…

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Wel­come Week for the first time as Wel­come Chat

This winter semester 2020/21, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics has a total of 72 enrolled international students - out of a total of 134 at the whole UPB. Every year, shortly before lectures start, there is a special Welcome Week for the group of students from all over the world to welcome them at the University of Paderborn, to give them all the information they need to start their studies and to make it…

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An­nu­al Re­port of the Fac­ulty EIM 2019 as an on­line magazine

As of now, the Annual Report of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is available as an electronic version in a responsive magazine design. The annual report summarizes all important events that have shaped our faculty in the past year. In addition to reports from research and teaching, the most important awards as well as facts and figures from 2019 can be read in condensed form. The annual report is of…

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from November 30th to December 2nd the elections for the Senate and the Faculty Council of the EIM Faculty will take place in the student status group. Both bodies are decisive for the study programme - and in both bodies the use of the right to vote and stand for election by students is highly desired.

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Stable power grids for Africa

Stable power grids for Africa How can we live more sustainably and shape the future on our planet together? This is what the sixth "European Sustainability Week" (ENW) was all about from September 20th to 26th. When it comes to sustainable living, science is also in demand. In a special on ENW, we present exciting research projects by Paderborn researchers every Tuesday that deal with a sustainability topic. Researchers at the University of…

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Ak­tuell: Tu­tor*innen-Schu­lung im Win­tersemester 20/21

Der aktuelle Durchgang der Tutor*innen-Qualifizierung startet am 6.11.2020. Er wird in einem Blended Learning Format (ein PANDA-Kurs und Videokonferenzen) und damit komplett online angeboten.

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