EIM News

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity par­ti­cip­ates in the "NRW Writ­ing Academy" pro­gram

New year, new luck! Whether you've been writing for a while and want to expand your writing skills or have just discovered writing for yourself: Apply now! Reapplications are also expressly permitted!

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Spring Uni­ver­sity 2024: Stu­dents try out STEM sub­jects!

From March 25 to 28, 2024, the "Women Shaping the Information Society" project at Paderborn University invited schoolgirls in grades 7 to 13 to take part in a vacation program that immersed them in the world of STEM subjects and offered them guidance for their future studies.

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(Foto Universität Paderborn) (v.l.n.r.) Oliver Wallscheid, Till Piepenbrock, Oliver Schweins, Nikolas Förster, Wilhelm Kirchgässner, Johann W. Kolar

Out of 39 participating universities worldwide, the team consisting of research assistants and students from the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology at Paderborn University took first place in the model performance category.

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Topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are also becoming increasingly relevant at school. Thanks to a cooperation with Paderborn University, pupils at Gymnasium Theodorianum can regularly deepen their knowledge in this area.

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At the start of the summer semester 2024, 60 international students began their master's degree programme at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.

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In the latest ranking by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Paderborn University once again receives top marks from students. This year, subjects in the natural sciences, health sciences and social sciences were put to the test. Paderborn University took part in the ranking, which was published today, with the subjects of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Sociology and Sports.

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We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann as a new professor at our faculty at Paderborn University from the winter semester 2023/24. With her broad range of experience and passion for innovative research, she brings a wealth of expertise and commitment to our academic community.

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This year's Weierstrass Lecture will be held by Prof. Dr. Alessio Figalli from ETH Zurich on the topic "Beyond Boundaries: Recent Advances in the Obstacle Problem". Figalli was awarded the Fields Medal in 2018. It is the highest award in the field of mathematics and has a reputation comparable to that of the Nobel Prize, which does not exist in this discipline.

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Pre­cise sig­nals for data trans­mis­sion

From measuring and radar systems to telecommunications: huge amounts of data are being transmitted in ever shorter times nowadays. Precise signals are essential. If they are inaccurate, errors occur. In the "RadiOptics" research project, which was launched last June at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University, scientists are therefore working on a signal generator that aims to reduce potential sources of error. A spin-off has now…

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The multi-award-winning mathematician Prof. Dr Alessio Figalli will give the keynote lecture at this year's Weierstrass Lecture at Paderborn University on Friday, 26 April. The scientist was awarded the Fields Medal in 2018. It is the highest honour in the field of mathematics and has a reputation comparable to that of the Nobel Prize, which does not exist in this discipline.

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In the first episode of the new electrical engineering podcast "Current Affairs", our guests Christian von Germeten and Mike Gasenzer talk to the two hosts of this episode, Jan Beinfohr and Yvonne Liebau, about the second semester and how best to master it.

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Das Institut für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik ist stolz den Start des neuen Podcast „Current Affairs“ anzukündigen. Dieser Podcast richtet sich an Studierende der Elektrotechnik sowie an interessierte Oberstufenschüler*innen und wird monatlich jeden dritten Donnerstag im Monat veröffentlicht.

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Professor Eric Bodden, a computer scientist at Paderborn University and director of the Fraunhofer IEM, has been awarded the ‘ERC Advanced Grant’ of 2.5 million euros by the European Research Council for his research into secure software systems. These grants are the most significant European research funding award available and are given to top researchers for their exceptional scientific achievements via a competitive process.

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Digital and networked systems for ecologically sustainable and future-proof mobility solutions in the transport sector - at Hannover Messe 2024 from 22 to 26 April, researchers from Paderborn University will be presenting technologies and concepts for sustainable developments that contribute to improving processes in passenger transport and logistics.

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The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) has named Prof. Dr Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, retired Professor of Computer Science at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute and the Department of Computer Science at Paderborn University, as a 2024 EATCS Fellow in recognition of his "influential contributions to algorithmic and complexity theory problems in parallel computing, communication and data management in networks, network…

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