EIM News

"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: 44th epis­ode with Prof Dr Eric Bod­den

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

In the 44th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr Harald Selke from the Computer Science Office talks to Prof Dr Eric Bodden about the ERC grant, the funding landscape and his research plans.

The ERC grant stands for European Research Council Grant and is a funding programme that supports research projects within the EU. Prof Dr Eric Bodden received the award in 2024.

Prof. Dr Bodden conducts research in the field of secure software development and develops programmes that can detect errors and security vulnerabilities in software as efficiently as possible. The aim is to cover the greatest possible variability of programming languages and code. Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden is developing a self-optimising program to increase efficiency and reduce costs, e.g. for reprogramming. This project is being developed as part of the ERC grant. While analysing software for potential security vulnerabilities, it should also be able to analyse itself and continuously improve and develop further.
The aim of this research project is to support software developers in maximising the use of secure software so that attacks are no longer worthwhile.
"People used to ask me: 'Yes Mr Bodden, how do you make such systems 100% secure? But I am firmly convinced that this is not really possible, but perhaps it doesn't have to be," explains Prof Dr Eric Bodden with regard to maximum security.

Listen to the entire All Day Research episode wherever podcasts are available or on the institute's website.


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