EIM News

"All Day Re­search" Pod­cast: Spe­cial epis­ode with doc­tor­al can­did­ate Aniruddh Rao

 |  EIM-NachrichtenCS-Nachrichten

The "All Day Research" podcast presents a special Christmas episode! In this special episode, Yasemin Sencan, student assistant in the PR team of the faculty EIM, talks to Aniruddh Rao, doctoral candidate and research assistant in the field of Computer Engineering.

Aniruddh Rao studied Computer Engineering at Paderborn University and decided to stay on as a doctoral candidate and research assistant in Prof Dr Marco Platzner's group after completing his Master's degree.

In the interview, Aniruddh gives exciting insights into his everyday life as a researcher, his career and his motivation. He talks about his unexpected path to Paderborn University, the challenges of his research and his day-to-day work between programming activities and supervising students. He also talks about the importance of sport and leisure as a balance to intensive research work.

Look forward to an inspiring episode that makes the everyday life of a young scientist tangible - from theory and practical work to his favourite dish in the canteen.

Listen to the special episode of the "All Day Research" podcast now. You can find it wherever there are podcasts or here on the Institute website.

Important note: The All Day Research podcast is now going on a short winter break. We'll be back in February 2025 with the 44th episode.