EIM News

Prof. Dr. Kai–Uwe Schmidt has been honored with the Hall Mall – In­sti­tute of Com­bin­at­or­ics and its Ap­plic­a­tions

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Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt, Professor for Discrete Mathematics at the University of Paderborn, has been honored with the Hall Medal by the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (ICA) for the year 2018. This medal is one of the four high–ranking awards, which acknowledges qualitative research paper with significant international effect among its members.

Since 2010 Prof. Schmidt counts to the members of ICA. Now he has been honored for his excellent contributions in the area of Combinatorics. Especially the development of fundamental theoretical methods of algebraic, analytical and probabilistic nature with a practical use, for example in the Coding Theory and in the Cryptography. He has already published about 40 articles about it. What he says about the significance of the award is: "A scientists always enjoys it when his or her own papers receive international attention. It is even more fulfilling to receive such a renowned prize." This award helps to increase international awareness which in the long term has a positive impact for scientists, as "for example one is invited to renowned conferences and uses these for cooperations." In his field of expertise he is approved as an outrider by the ICA, which he has proved as an invited main speaker on numerous international expert conference. The colleagues who have nominated him describe his work as "brilliant, very relevant, elegant and of high expertise".

The ICA, a worldwide organisation, has been founded in 1990 and his its head office in Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. The institute has been created in order to promote the development of Combinatorics as well as publications and conferences about Combinatorics and its application.

Annually there not more than two of the four important prizes are awarded among the current 800 members from 40 countries. With Prof. Schmidt a lecturer from the University of Paderborn has also received a prize.

More information about the ICA: http://the-ica.org


(Foto: Kai-Uwe Schmidt) Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schmidt hat eine hochrangige Auszeichnung erhalten.