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The Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Pod­cast "Cur­rent Af­fairs": Epis­ode 10 - En­ergy Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

In the tenth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Prof Dr Henning Meschede talks to our host, Jan Beinfohr, about the department of energy systems engineering and what lies behind it.

Prof Dr Meschede studied engineering and, after completing his doctorate, took up a professorship in the field of energy systems engineering at Paderborn University. This department is part of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and can be chosen in the Master's programme.
Research in this field is concerned with the planning and organisation of stable, uniform, efficient and sustainable energy distribution. In the Paderborn district, for example, the energy generated by wind turbines has to be distributed to the consumers, i.e. households and industry. The consumers need electricity at all times, even when there is no wind. To achieve this, electricity must be stored efficiently and distributed as required. But heat should also be handled efficiently. For example, waste heat generated in industry, i.e. superfluous heat from various processes, can then be used to heat private households. The aim is to achieve the most resource-efficient use of various forms of energy.

Find out exactly what research in the field of energy systems research looks like and how students can specialise in this subject area in the new episode of "Current Affairs".

Listen now to the tenth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs" wherever podcasts are available or on the institute's website.

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