The perspEktIve M mentoring program was aimed specifically at female students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics. The aim of the program was to offer participating mentees insights into academic work and everyday research at the faculty. The participants were supported by academic staff - the mentors - from the three institutes of the faculty. The mentees were to learn from the mentors’ experiences and expand their personal and professional skills and development opportunities.

The project has been coordinated by Dr. Julia Steinhausen and Dr. Christina Lammer since the summer semester 2020 until the summer semester 2024.

Female Master's students who would like to participate in a mentoring program are welcome to apply for the peer mentoring program “Einblick!”. The program is aimed at female students from all faculties who are interested in a doctorate, also provides numerous insights into science and accompanies them - together with mentors - in the decision-making process: “PhD, yes or no? The current application deadline for the next mentoring phase ends on 15 August.

Download: Brief overview perspEktIve M 2020-2024