Professor Dr. Holger Karl
receives the Weierstrass Award 2017 for the excellent evaluations of his seven lectures in SS 2016 and WS 2016/17. The evaluations are indeed all excellent, all seven rank around the very good grade 1.5, and an overall grade of 1.4 for the basic computer science lecture "Fundamentals of Programming 1" particularly stands out. This is an unusually, very good grade for a numerically large freshman lecture course. The marks in the individual criteria certify among other things very high technical authority, very high motivation, very good preparation. Well That also humor was there certify the free comments of students: "Very good lecturer, makes fun", "Clearly arranged and exciting", "Best lecture in the semester. Always fun in lecture," "Lecture is outstandingly good and some humor lifts the mood," "Give Karl an Oscar!" Professor Karl is now receiving the Weierstrass Award of this faculty for the second time, and this has never happened before.
Dipl.-Ing. Robel Besrat
is awarded the Weierstrass Prize for his exercises on "Systems Theory" and "Digital Controls". In his evaluations, he is especially praised for his good preparation and the clear and understandable explanations. Mr. Besrat has also been in the discussion for the juries of the last years, because he continuously carried out his exercises with the greatest possible interest in the learning success of the students. In the criterion "comprehensible communication of the contents", Mr. Besrat topped all other evaluations from the Institute of Electrical Engineering (that is almost 100 lectures and exercises). I read out a free comment from the evaluations that summarizes many of the other comments: "Robel is genuinely interested in student success and goes to great lengths to explain the lecture and exercise content clearly and understandably. I would like to nominate him for the Weierstrass Award."