Weierstraß for excellent teaching 2001

Prof. Dr. Uwe Kastens
Students have rated Prof. Kastens style as above average for years. Nevertheless, he shows a high commitment in raising the quality of his work. He therefore undertakes his own seminar feedbacks on a regular basis.
The conception of his lectures is of high quality. His accompanying material for the lectures follows an innovative system:
They include a script as well as annotations for the slides, in which bibliographies; goals and outlooks, examples and possible exercises are stated and aim to encourage questions and thoughts.
He always has an open ear for the student´s problems. The quality of his teaching on site is very important to him. So he was the initiator and driving force for the evaluation of teaching in Computer Science and the motor of the new curriculum, which arose in response to the evaluation. Until today, and surely also in the future, he is committed to constantly controlling and improving the teaching in Computer Science.
Can. Math. Volker Winzenick
For the first time, a student’s tutor will be awarded this year, for the excellent teaching activity during the mentoring in exercise groups. Mr. Winzenik´s tutorials “Mathematik I und II” and “Mathematik für Informatiker I und II” were praised by participants. Some quotations from the student’s seminar feedback:
- “He manages to make the lectures understandable, so you don´t have to act desperately.”
- “ He deserves the prize, as the lecture topics are specifically deepened in a understandable manner and questions are answered in an adequate amount of time.”
- “I experience the learning-effect with Volker as very good.”
- “He is very committed and he can convey knowledge very good! Super!”
- “He deserves the prize because he is the best tutor!”