Weierstraß-Prize for Excellent Teaching 2013

Mr Professor Dr. Jürgen Klüners receives the Weierstraß-Prize for his lectures "Lineare Algebra für Informatiker" during summer 2012 and "Grundlagen der Zahlentheorie" during winter 2012/13. One of the lectures was part of the Bachelor degree programme Computer Science and the Master degree programme Mathematics. Mr Klüners explains comprehensible and committed. His students praise him for this in their evaluations and comments. For a lecture, with a high number of participants, which is also a required part in Mathematics, such an approval is striking and remarkable.
Here is a selection of comments, which illustrate, what students like about Mr Klüners and his lectures:
- Very comprehensible lecture, since it is well explained.
- Elaborate and coherent script
- Good style of delivery, well structured contents
- Best lecture this semester.
- It's fun.
- The lecturer makes an effort, to convey contents in a comprehensible manner.
- Competent, friendly Professor.
- Great Professor, he deserves the prize! Ideal lecture.
For years, Mr Klüners has been giving his lectures in a consistently high quality and with a lot of commitment, as also this year. The Weierstraß-Prize 2013 goes therefore to Professor Dr. Jürgen Klüners.

Mrs Eva Tebbe receives the Weierstraß-Prize for her tutorials "Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler I" during winter semester 2012/13. This course is a compulsory part of the Bachelor's degree programme Economics. Her academic expertise, her motivation and the atmosphere during her tutorials were similarly praised. Apparently, she has had managed to bring her students very close to the field of mathematics. Mrs Tebbe gave tutorials for three different exercise groups. In 77 delivered evaluation sheets, the expressed approval was very high.
- Students have praised the following:
- Very well explained
- Eva masters the tutorial very structured and is always well prepared.
- She explains contents very good and comprehensible.
- Eva combines a casual relationship to the students with good a mediations of contents.
- Knows her students, remembers names, you feel included and motivated.
One critical commentary is:
- The room was way too small; you had to sit outside of the door.
Also this remark shows the great appeal towards Mrs Tebbe's tutorials. Mrs Tebbe receives the Weierstraß-Prize 2013 for her excellent teaching.