Wei­er­straß-Prize for Ex­cel­lent Teach­ing 2015

Mr Winkler is appointed with the Weierstraß-Prize for his lectures "Mathematik II für Maschinenbauer", "Mathematik III für Maschinenbauer", "Höhere Analysis" und "Funktionentheorie". The students evaluate these lectures with highest grades. For the record:

  • Mr Winkler undertakes outstanding efforts, to help students with missing background knowledge, to get into the subject.
  • Mr Winkler lays a special focus on the reason for the necessity of the topic, gives insight in applications and establishes a relationship to other fields of mathematics.
  • Mr Winkler ensures that there is a clear central theme and relates subthemes to each other.
  • For years, Mr Winkler gives lectures in a very high quality and high commitment. Therefore, the Weierstraß-Prize 2015 for lecturing goes to Professor Michael Winkler.

Mr Lankeit will be appointed with the Weierstraß-Prize for his tutorials "Algebra", "Reelle Analysis", "Höhere Analysis" and "Funktionentheorie". Mr Lankheit's tutorials are evaluated and commented on as excellent. For the record:

  • Mr Lankheit can be distinguished by his confidence in a broad field of mathematical subjects
  • Mr Lankheit designs his tutorials recipient-orientated and is also willing to take care of his students outside of exercising times.
  • Mr Lankheit lays a special focus on adapting exercises to contents of the lectures and points out valuable insights of important solutions.
  • Mr Lankheit stands out with his excellent lecturing and his great commitment. Therefore, Mr M.Sc. Johannes Lankheit is honoured for his tutorials with the Weierstraß-Prize 2015.