Wei­er­straß-Prize for Ex­cel­lent Teach­ing 2016

Mr Hamann received the Weierstraß-Prize for his lectures "Swarm Robotics" and "Evolutionary Robotics". One recognises Mr Hamann's commitment and his enthusiasm in his lectures. He explains motivational, committed and comprehensible. The grade for the motivational aspects of the lectures is a full A. In his lectures, he tries to address current topics – which are based on the latest information in science as well as popular science. Therefor, the students compliment Mr Hamann in their evaluations and comments.

Here is an excerpt of the student's comments:

  • Good connection to reality
  • Practical examples
  • Good examples, good atmosphere
  • "Hamann for president"

Mr Hamann represents a very innovative branch of research in Computer Science - "Schwarmintelligenz" (Swarm intelligence) and "Evoltionäre Robotik" (Evolutionary Robotics). As a computer scientist he works interdisciplinary with botanists, zoologists, mechatronics and has spent the last years at Paderborn University with the procurement of research funds (overall a multiple million euro) for his field of research. Due to his success, he was appointed as a member of the "Jungen Kollegs der Nordrhein-Westfählischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste". Despite his commitment in research, he maintains the quality of teaching on a high level and creates enthusiasm for new subjects, among our younger generation.

Mr Husert will be awarded with the Weierstraß-Prize for his tutorials "Analysis für Informatiker" and "Lineare Algebra für Informatiker". Mr Husert's tutorials are evaluated and commented on splendidly by students. His tutorials are to be completed during the 1st and 2nd semester of study of computer science; to that effect there are over 100 applications by students on hand. In the comments it is often said:

  • Mr Husert is characterised especially by his expertise;
  • Mr Husert conveys the contents of the tutorial in a comprehensible and well structured way;
  • Mr Husert is very responsive towards students;
  • "Always spot-on and funny", "very cool guy"

Mr Dipl.-Math Husert stands out with his excellent teaching and great enthusiasm. Therefore, he will be appointed with the Weierstraß-Prize 2016 for tutorials.