Wei­er­straß-Prize for ex­cel­lent teach­ing 1999

This year, the department 17 Mathematics-Computer Science has presented the Weierstraß-Prize for excellent teaching for the first time.

The prize-winners are:

Professor Dr. Wilfried Hauenschild
Dipl.-Math. Gitta Kutyniok

The prize is named after Karl Weierstraß (1815-1897), a renowned mathematician, who received his Abitur as “primus omnium” at the Theodorianum Paderborn in 1834. A plaque at the Theodorianum remembers his achievements. He held lectures at the Berlin University. The prizes contain a financial reward of 4000 DM for the lecturer and 2000 DM for the tutor. They were handed over during the degree award ceremony end of winter semester 1998/99. The Weierstraß-comission consisted of the Dean, Mr. Grimm as student representative and Prof. von zur Gathen (chair man).

Professor Hauenschild is awarded for his lectures “Informatok C” during winter semester 97/98 and “Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen” during summer semester 98. It is highlighted, that he illustrates the subject matter with many examples and regularly motivates his students with questions. Sometimes, he carries out lecture feedbacks at the end of the lecture, so the students have the chance to speak their minds about the material they have learned in the past lecture. The students value that he, deals with problems generously in individual cases.

Professors Hauenschild´s broad variety in teaching should also be highlighted – one of the awarded lectures was during the undergraduate studies and one more during the graduate studies Computer Science, also for teacher training. Professor Hauenschild is an active member of the examination board for Computer Science and with his expertise, negotiating skills and energy he has played a significant role by the redevelopment of the study course Computer Science.

Mrs Dipl.-Math Gitta Kutyniok is awarded for her tutorials for the undergraduate study lectures “Analysis I” and “Analysis II” and the graduate study lecture “Topology”. On many occasions, she was successfully committed, especially during the stressful undergraduate study phase. The students feedback confirm, that her tutorials were especially interesting, because of her varied methods, for example, calculating sums in small groups and discussions in forums. An exceptionally high number of students confirm, the successful process of Mrs Kutyniok´s tutorials. During summer semester 98, she has also held a very well evaluated tutorial for the mathematics study course.