Wei­er­straß-Prize for ex­cel­lent teach­ing 2003

Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer is committed to the education of theoretical computer science, with great enthusiasm and is very good at giving his students an understanding of theoretical concepts. In the framework of the seminar feedbacks, he repeatedly has good grades and positive comments, which is most striking in the case of under-graduate lectures in the field of theoretical computer science. This applies especially for the lecture “Einführung in Berechenbarkeit und Formale Sprachen” during winter semester 2002/2 and for his lecture “Einführung in Algorithmen und Komplexität” during summer semester 2002.

Mr Tobias Huhmann is a very committed and active graduate assistant, of the teacher-training course in mathematics. For his excellent work as a group exercise instructor for the basic course “Mathematik I (Kombinatorik)” during winter semester 2001/02 and for “Didaktik der Primarstufe I (Geometrie) during summer semester 2002, Tobias Huhmann is awarded with Weierstraß-Prize 2002. The participants of the tutorials praised him unanimously, especially for his high level of own initiative, sense of responsibility and commitment.