The Study Ad­vis­ory Board -

Involvement in all matters relating to teaching

The Academic Advisory Board was constituted on 29 September 2015. It is based on the Higher Education Future Act NRW.
The Academic Advisory Board advises the Faculty Board and the Dean "in matters of teaching and studies, in particular in matters of study reform, the evaluation of studies and teaching, as well as with regard to the enactment or amendment of examination regulations."
Please note the following points, especially if you are a member of an examination board, if regulations or amendments to regulations are to be adopted by the Faculty Board:

  1. When amending a PO, an accompanying letter must explain the motivation for the changes; the changes to the current PO must be comprehensible.
  2. The presence of the person in charge of the PO amendment at the meeting is desirable.
  3. Submissions must reach the Advisory Board in good time, i.e. one
    week before the Advisory Board meeting - please send the examination regulations
    or amendment regulations to the Dean of Studies( with Cc to the Managing Director(

If you use the dates of the Faculty Council meetings as a guide, this means that documents must be submitted to the Advisory Board three weeks in advance.

As the Advisory Board generally passes its resolutions in meetings, it is not possible to pass resolutions by circulation, as there is no legal basis for this.
The Academic Advisory Board cannot draft or amend examination regulations on its own initiative and will therefore only proactively approach the institutes in justified cases (e.g. due to problems with examination regulations). The regulations are developed in the institutes.

Contact for queries: The Dean of Studies

Distribution list: eim-stbr(at)lists.upb(dot)de for information to the
Study Advisory Board

The Academic Advisory Board will meet on the following dates (in room P1.3.02):

Monday, 12 February 2024 (Shrove Monday)
Monday, 4 March 2024
Monday, 8 April 2024
Monday, 6 May 2024
Monday, 3 June 2024
Monday, 1 July 2024
Monday, 19 August 2024

Contact for enquiries: The Dean of Studies

Distribution list: for information to the Academic Advisory Board

Mem­bers of the Study Ad­vis­ory Board

University lecturers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Temmen (Dean of Studies)  
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Thiede  
Prof. Dr. Thomas Richthammer  
Prof. Dr. Juraj Somorovsky  
Academic staff
Dr Cornelia Kaiser  
Adrian Block (I)
Fabian Schneider (I)
Marlena Emilia Lynn-Ann Müller (M)
Tim Hartmann (E)
Dariana Schneider (E)

Last change: 10/22/2024