Welcome to the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics!

The EIM Graduate Centre supports doctoral students, postdocs and junior professors at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. In addition to subject-specific support, it also offers corresponding support services for early career researchers in the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics.

The Graduate Centre is advised by a steering committee consisting mainly of doctoral students.

The Jenny Aloni Center for Early Career Researchers at Paderborn University provides interdisciplinary information, qualification and advisory services.

Do­ing a doc­tor­ate at the Fac­ulty EIM

The most common form of doctorate at the Faculty of EIM is the individual doctorate, where you carry out your research project in the working group under the supervision of your supervisor in their group. There is also the option of doing a doctorate in doctoral programmes (research training groups, graduate schools, doctoral colleges). The type of doctorate is closely linked to its funding. Numerous financing and funding options are available for doctorates at the Faculty EIM. Further information on " Starting your doctorate" and "Financing your studies".

For interested female students, Paderborn University offers individual one-to-one coaching and the Equal Opportunities Officer offers the peer mentoring programme "Insight".

The Faculty EIM explains the procedure in its own regulations: Doctoral degree regulations

We recommend all doctoral researchers at the Faculty of EIM to enrol in the doctoral programme of the respective institute at which they wish to do their doctorate.
Information on enrolment can be found on the "Doctoral programmes" page.

Further information on the doctorate can also be found on the pages of the institutes:

More than 20,000 foundations in Germany support research and early career researchers. Depending on each foundation’s goal, different disciplines or research topics may be funded. Databases and newsletters can help you find the right foundation for you. As a member of Paderborn University, you are eligible to subscribe to the FIT Newsletter, for instance. The FIT Newsletter bundles calls from various funding bodies (e.g. DFG, BMBF, DAAD, EU) from which you can select specifically for your subject area, and it is sent to you regularly by email on a day of your choice. The ELFI database (Paderborn University is a member) also offers a good starting point for your search.

Paderborn University has developed the following measures and support programmes to ensure equal opportunities for young academics.

Further information

Applications and doctoral candidates with disabilities should contact the Paderborn University's contact persons for people with disabilities.

In­form­a­tion for doc­tor­al can­did­ates

Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice is essential when carrying out research projects. In addition to regular courses on this topic, the website  "Good Scientific Practice" provides you with further information on the subject.

The following regularly organised specialist events offer doctoral students an excellent opportunity for scientific networking.

The excellent academic support at the Faculty EIM is complemented by an attractive extracurricular qualification programme to optimally prepare you for your future work in science and business. This qualification programme is organised by the Jenny Aloni Center for Early Career Researchers.

Further qualification and networking opportunities are available to you.

Career development and coaching

In addition to the specific counselling services for doctoral candidates and postdocs at Paderborn University, you will find further coaching services under the following links:

Contact persons for conflicts at the workplace or regarding good scientific practice:

The following organisations represent the interests of doctoral candidates employed at Paderborn University:

EIM get-together

We offer a space where we can share the joys and sorrows of regular writing and be motivated by the presence of colleagues and the Change of Scenery. Of course, other projects and tasks can also be completed. No registration or deregistration is required.


The Graduate Centre team will support you in a variety of ways with all questions relating to doctoral studies at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. A steering committee made up mainly of doctoral students not only has an advisory function but also actively helps you with questions relating to your doctorate. To contact the members of the steering committee, please use the email address steuerkreis-gz-eim [at] lists.upb.de.

You can find out more here.