Trotz Semesterferien geht es mit der dritten Folge des „All Day Research“ Podcasts Schlag auf Schlag weiter. Diesmal im Gespräch mit Lukas Ostermann ist Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über seinen Forschungsschwerpunkt Hochleistungs-IT-Systeme.
Studentinnen, die an die Fakultät EIM, den SFB 901 oder TRR-142 angebunden sind, können jederzeit ins One-to-one-Mentoring perspEktIve M starten. perspEktIve M richtet sich an promotionsinteressierte Studentinnen verschiedener Fachbereiche, die sich mindestens im 4. Bachelorsemester oder bereits im Master befinden. Die Studentinnen wollen sich über die Option Promotion informieren und möchten für sich entscheiden, ob sie sich wissenschaftlich…
Digital technologies are changing the classical forms of learning. For this reason, education policy makers are calling for the increasing digitization of school education and the development of corresponding digital offerings. In German-speaking countries, however, this is still in its infancy: the usual applications rarely go beyond multiple-choice tests and comparably simple tasks. A central component of school education - both across classes…
Doktorandinnen, die sich frühzeitig mit ihrer beruflichen Karriere befassen und ihre Promotion zielstrebig verfolgen wollen, können sich bis zum 04.08.2021 für das Mentoring-Programm „Mentoring für Doktorandinnen“ bewerben. Das Programm läuft 15 Monate und besteht aus: • Mentoring-Gesprächen mit einer erfahrenen externen Wissenschaftlerin als Mentorin • interdisziplinärem Support durch die Vernetzung mit anderen…
(Foto: Katrin Temmen) Begeisterte Gesichter bei den Kindern, Jugendlichen, Studierenden und bei Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Temmen (3.v.r.) nach der Erprobung der beiden nicht-digitalen Workshops und der erfolgreichen Schiffstaufe
"You are now part of a shipyard which already has a lot of experience in shipbuilding. Since Corona has caused fewer people to go on a cruise recently, there have been very few orders in recent months. However, a well-known shipping company has now issued a tender for a new cruise ship. You guys really want to take this order. However, you can only build the cruise ship for this large order by joining forces. The digital platform supports you in…
[Translate to English:] (Foto: Universität Paderborn, Matthias Groppe): Das Präsidium der Universität Paderborn zeichnete 21 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler mit Preisen und Stipendien aus. 14 von ihnen nahmen die Urkunden und Glückwünsche für ihre herausragenden Leistungen persönlich entgegen.
Presidium of the University of Paderborn honours 21 scientists with prizes and scholarships
The University of Paderborn regularly awards prizes and scholarships to promote the top research of its scientists, to advance innovative projects of its teachers and to support young scientists. In a small ceremony, the Presidential Board has now honoured 21 scientists for excellent research achievements, outstanding doctoral projects and pioneering…
Machine learning methods are increasingly being used in very different areas of life and are giving rise to numerous artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Fundamental to this is big data and an understanding of its potential applications and analysis. For some time now, this development has been accompanied by the demand to teach data science and machine learning already in school. The goal is the model of an informed and critical consumer…
Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere des „All Day Research“ Podcasts im vergangenen Monat, ist nun seit heute die zweite Folge online. Diesmal im Gespräch mit Lukas Ostermann ist Prof. Dr. Juraj Somorovsky. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über seinen Forschungsschwerpunkt Netz- und Systemsicherheit.
The Student Advisory of the Institute for Computer Science at the Paderborn University is launching a new open advisory plattform. Every week in a YouTube live stream, Dr. Harald Selke will answer questions from prospective students as well as students who are already enrolled.
Willst du wissen, was Industrie 4.0 überhaupt ist und was sie mit deinem Alltag zu tun hat? 13 Studierende haben fünf Workshops entwickelt, um dir diese Frage zu beantworten. Am 15. Juli ist Premiere! – Und du kannst dabei sein.
Wann? Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021, 16 - 19 Uhr Wo? Zwei Workshops werden im Schülerlabor coolMINT.paderborn im HNF angeboten, drei Workshops finden digital über Zoom statt. Wie? Anmeldung und…
Billions of people use the internet every day, producing quintillions of bytes of data. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible to gain structured insights from these huge amounts of data. Companies that make business-critical decisions based on data benefit from this in particular. The problem: Although data is now available in a variety of languages, there is a lack of multilingual data sets such as knowledge graphs, which model…
140,000 processing cores, the very latest generation of high-tech features, and compact enough to fit inside a squash court – Paderborn University is getting a new supercomputer. “Noctua 2,” the project name given to the second expansion stage of the “Noctua” installed in 2018, will be built by market leader Atos and is expected to be installed by the end of the year. With a total financing volume of more than 14 million euros, it will be the…
The international IT symposium “Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies” (HEART) will be held online this year, from June 21 to 23. The forum will explore the latest research findings on computer systems and methods in the context of hardware-accelerated high-performance computing (HPC). This time Paderborn is hosting the conference following Toronto and Nagasaki in previous years. The focus is on how to achieve the best…
As part of Campus OWL, the New York Office of the University of Paderborn invites applications for internships with companies in the New York metropolitan region through the Professional Experience Program (PEP). The stays can be funded within the framework of the PROMOS programme:
PEP is your opportunity to gain valuable work experience in an international environment. The program includes an internship in a company/organization in the New York…